Tuesday 28 June 2011

First two participants announced!!

The first two participants of the very first Eurosong Music Contest have been confirmed!!

First up is San Marino, which will be represented by Senit and the song "Everytime"!!!

Secondly is the caucasian country of Armenia, who will have Sirusho represent them, with the song "Havatum em".

We would like to wish them the best of luck in the competition!!

Welcome to the Eurosong Music Contest!!

Hello and welcome to the Eurosong Music Contest!

The Eurosong Music Contest enables you to take part in a Eurovision-like competition! You will act as a country as well as being the voting jury.

You pick your artist and song, and then when the voting opens, you vote for your favourites to determine a winner!

Each contest will be held in a city from the winning country, and should you win, you can decide the city and slogan for your host contest!

For a full description of the contest and the rules, please visit the "Rules" page at the top of the site, also visit the "Free Countries" page, to see which countries are available!!

Should you wish to join, please send me an email with your name, country you would like to represent, artist, song and youtube link.  eurosongmusiccontest@gmail.com